This game had a good plot that had you questioning what was going on the whole. The rest was poorly executed.
User Rating: 6 | Alan Wake X360
This game had the makings of something great, but it failed to really hit it home. The plot of the story was done quite well and it really makes you feel like your in one of the protagonists books. Other than Alan and Barry the characters were quite shallow, and the roles were fluff. As for the mechanics of the game, there were many times when the little bugs in his ability to move made me want to chuck the game in the trash it became very frustrating while in close quater combat with the taken. Another thing that started out as fresh concept was the idea of the flash light being the way he aim, in concept cool, in game sucks. This makes it at times very difficult to aim at the enemies you are facing. And the last thing that really kinda busted this game for me was the lack of any kind of melee function, yes ammo is spread pretty generously across the game world in this game, but when your character is stuck against the wall with only his pistol and 5 taken coming at him, being able to deal blows with a pipe or bat or wrench would have made this a much better experience for the player. So in general a good game with its share of problems, but the story makes up for it. This is a once through kinda game and the replay value is low, so play and get rid of it, better yet rent it.