A good game that tends to get repetitive but will get you playing to see what is going to happen next.
The combat get tedious really fast, the parts on the forest get too boring really fast is all the same over and over again. Go from A to B and then again, in the meantime fight some shadows ... or protect the zone while someones do something.
The game really shines in the story telling too bad is was more focus on combat.
I mean is not bad at all but its just doesn't fit in the game.
About the graphics
Sometimes the shadows look really bad and others look awesome is like a mix but for most of the time are pretty good like the graphics, the part of the town really blow my mind.
The dialogs are very well done, and you will find yourself eager to search the radios to hear what the guy of the radio have to say or tvs to see the "Night Springs" show which is actually really good (bring back old memories of The Twilight Zone)
The music is really good too, and the game have a lot of soundtracks that you can hear in the game in the radios.
Best character by far is Barry at first is kind of annoying but after a few episodes he will make really good jokes and is very entertaining guy.
This game have the potential of being an excellent game without the combat or at least more sporadic, with more investigation could really be a 9.5 /10 game without any doubt.