If you don't like Albert Odyssey, You are a Post FFVII Gamer, and as such your Opinion Doesn't Count.

User Rating: 9 | Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean SAT
Yes the above statement may be a bit harsher then I normally dish out but the reality is that Final Fantasy Seven ruined RPG's. People crying about graphics?? Who cares about graphics in RPG's? It should be about story and Albert Odyssey is perhaps among the top three of all time in ways of story. The Graphics for this game is about as good as it got in the PS1 pre-FFVII era, and that is good enough for me. The depth of this game is fantasic the detail about the characters and their side stories are fantastic, and it also offers perhaps the most broken RPG Chracter of all time in Grizz. The gameplay is excellent, this is one of the few RPG's where "gold" is not flooded to your pockets, you have to work for what you buy, which leads to you building up which you will need, its not too bad, but you will not walk into a town and get everything you need in one shot. The story is deep, and it was very good overall its a variation of the standard save the world with alot of twists and turns through out, and they also mess with you, about 24hrs into the game you beat the big boss the world is saved, and dispite me feeling it should have been longer I would have been happy if the game ended, and as the end rolls, all of a sudden the words "And then one day" show up and you are treated to another 20hrs of gameplay. It took me about 44hrs to beat, but after going back it took me about another 12 hrs to do alot of the side stuff which was pretty rewarding, it wasn't your basic find my lost child to get a potion, or deliver this letter for some useless spell, alot of the stuff was well worth it and added to an already deep story Sound is Sound, its an RPG and an early CD based RPG at that, the soundtrack was good for the time, so overall it was good both nothing great, I couldn't hum the field music so its not that memorable. from a value standpoint, I think most gamers could get a solid 50 hrs out of this game, and even in todays day and age it must still be seen as one of the best RPG's. -Z