You are the Alice as Robert Louis Stevenson perhaps meant: gothic and macabre. You have returned to 'Wonderland' after being committed to an insane asylum. The guilt from surviving the house fire that killed your parents is what landed you there. The Red Queen has decimated Wonderland and turned it into a bleak place where none of the inhabitants are happy. It is my belief that the entire place is in your head and the Red Queen is the embodiment of your guilt that you must destroy. A third person game based on the Quake 3 engine, you play as Alice and you must solve the puzzles (which are loosely based on Alice's quests from the book) in order to proceed. Your weapons are unique: a deck of cards, a flamingo croquet mallet, jacks, dice, and a dead time watch. This game is great! I wasn't expecting much from a game whose major selling point was that it was designed by an ex-level designer for Quake. The art was incredible - very psychedelic - the theme put you in the mood as did the dark music score. The levels were imaginative and gorgeous. The puzzles are not terribly difficult and the story is linear which means there isn’t much replay value. You also develop a heavy reliance on quicksave and load, otherwise you will end up doing large portions over and over. + Story + Art + Music + Level design - Fairly straightforward ‘puzzles’ - Heavy reliance on quicksave/load
I love Lewis Carol's Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, and Through The Looking Glass And What Alice Found There. Most people know of the book as Alice In Wonderland. The original title, however, was not called this, and ... Read Full Review
American McGee's Alice is a very, VERY dark version of Lewis Caroll's story. Or, one could argue that the original story was just as dark, but the game makes it much more obvious. You decide. The game starts showing h... Read Full Review