As soon as I saw the trailer for this game I knew it would spark my interest. Since everyone knows the story of alice in wonderland, why not make a sick twisted version of it. To tell you the truth, this should have been a Tim Burton movie of the same effect of the Nightmare Before Christmas. I love the cheshire cat and his quotes. The gameplay was amazing, and the story had substance. The weapons were cool, this was a dark side of an American classic. As a kid watching the movie I didn't notice how dark the original was until I saw it when I got older. The game was perfect. I went into this game with visualizations of the original and totally being shocked when these same characters were portrayed in McGees Alice. I have played it more than once and would play it again if I had time. "Every adventure requires a first step, trite but true, even here" I love that cat. -Jscapo
I love Lewis Carol's Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, and Through The Looking Glass And What Alice Found There. Most people know of the book as Alice In Wonderland. The original title, however, was not called this, and ... Read Full Review
American McGee's Alice is a very, VERY dark version of Lewis Caroll's story. Or, one could argue that the original story was just as dark, but the game makes it much more obvious. You decide. The game starts showing h... Read Full Review