Pinball adventure brought back from the grave.
User Rating: 8.2 | Alien Crush TG16
I remember seeing the commercial in the late 80s for TubroGrafx system, and really didn't think to much of it really. My wife was lookinfg for a game to downlaod last month and stumbled upon this game on the VC. Surprisingly it is a fun game, and if you are a fan of pinball and aliens, then this game is for you. As Pinball games go this is just fun, and highly addictive. I actually sat down to play this a month ago and couldn't put it down. However with titles like Castlevania IV and A Link to the Past on the VC, I just haven't had time for it anymore. But the Mrs does enjoy this fun pinball game, and I thought it would be nice to write a small reveiw for it. If all the VC games out there, this is a fun game and worth the 8 bucks to download.