This game blows! Don't buy it! It's the biggest piece of crap I've ever played. It's even worse than GTA: San Andreas!
User Rating: 1 | Alien Hominid PS2
It has cheep, crappy graphics,movies, and sounds. It's so hard it's unfair, but the serious bugs will EASILY allow you to beat this horrible excuse for a game (well, sometimes, anyway). I had a bug once where the UFO I had to ride to beat a boss got knocked into the shredder. However, it didn't shred. It sat on top of the shredder. When I went to get back in it, guess what happened? I fell right through it, and landed in the shredder (i.e. I had to restart the level to beat the boss. Another time, the evil alien you fight got stuck running into the left side of the screen, so of course I easily killed him. It also had REALLY serious frame rate issues (yes, suprising as that is because of the horrible dated graphics that wouldn't even give a Sega Saturn's hardware a decent workout), and they made the game unplayable at times. The movies you watch are of the worst quality I've ever seen in a video game that you have to buy. They're even worse that Unlimited Saga (Don't buy that one, either. Trust me!). It's also very short ( I beat it in about 3 hours) and the crappy minigames that come with it are seriously flawed and not fun at all. For example, in the PDA game, you have to guide drawings that are even worse than the in game drawings across a crappily drawn environment to find your way out. You have to jump on the enemies to kill them (yes like in Mario). They even stole the coin noise from the Mario games. Anyway, sometimes when you try to jump on them, you get suck in their walking space and die. Also, the bolders that fall on you and (are supposed to) kill you sometimes DON'T kill you. This games sucks and so do Newgrounds and Tom Fulp. In case you didn't get the message, DON'T BUY THIS CRAPPY GAME! Also, the only reason I gave this a 1.0 out of 10 is because I couldn't go any lower. I wish I could give this game a negative score I hate it so much. Well, I think I've bashed this piece of horse crap enough. Listen to my warning. Don't waste your money. Thanks for reading this review. P.S. I know I have some spelling/grammar mistakes in this review, but WHATEVER!