Moved from the internet game with some awsome improvments.

User Rating: 8.8 | Alien Hominid PS2
I first wanted this game because i thought the internet game was SO fun. I thought it would be alot better made into a console game. But the game is still fun. The vehicles made in the game were cool. Good thing for this game is that it is really long. Some of the bosses are very hard, and the crappy thing about that is, that there is like 3 bosses per part level. (eg. 5-1 has 3 bosses, 5-2 has 3 bosses, ect.) The mini-games kinda suck though. It's good that the game has a co-op mode, becuase this game is hard. It is kinda funny that how you can customize your hominid with afros and what not. There is an average soundtrack to this game. This game is pretty innovative, i have to admit. Also very fun and cheap. I know its only a 2-D game, but it's great.