Very Hard
Platforms Available: Sega Genesis,Wii Virtual Console
Platform Played On: Sega Genesis (Emulator)
Concept/Storyline: There is some kind of storyline here somewhere.But it is really hard to figure out.If you can figure it out be my guest.This game is an import game from another country.It is insane.You are a wolf looking thing running around shooting other strange things in some parrallel World.You can run upside down on ceilings shoot fireballs and everything else from guns it looks like.Actually it sort of looks like he shoots them from his hands.ANyways it is a wacky game that I love.
Graphics:The graphics were great for the Genesis days.If you can look past the graphics from sega days you should be fine.The fun factor far surpasses the old graphics.
Sound:The sound is great.You just can't beat it.For a Genesis game let me tell you this much the sound sure is awesome.The music is great.The gunsfire and deathscreams are great.The sound is near perfect.Sometimes it gets annoying but not often.
Control: The controls are really wierd.You have to play with them first to really understand what I mean.But once you get used to the controls you will feel right at home with them.Basically you shoot jump and hover.Anyways this game has really good controls that just take time to get used to.
Gameplay: Alien Soldier is unique among side-scrolling shooters in that, instead of long levels with several minor enemies before reaching the boss, the levels are notably short and easy before reaching a boss. This results in the game being mostly boss fights. The game has 25 levels and 31 bosses in total, and two difficulty levels, Supereasy and Superhard. The difficulty of the two levels is largely attributable to the lack of continues (and password-based "saving") available in the Superhard game.
The top of the screen is dominated by a status bar which gives information about the player current and maximum health, the current and maximum energy of the selected weapon and the current and maximum health of the boss of the stage.
The player can alter the status bar at the beginning of the game to show each details either in numerical format, a bar format, a series of "????" or a combination of the 3. If the player wants more challenge, it is possible to make all of the details to be "????", thereby denying any visual information of the health of the player, weapon energy and the health of the boss. Similarly, if the player wants to be more careful, the player may change the status bar to give numerical details so as to know exactly how much health and energy remains.
Another feature is that if the player were to be hit by an enemy or projectile that would have been fatal, the player's current health will always be reduced to 1 first. The player will only die if he gets hit thereafter, reducing health from 1 to 0. This, in a way, gives the player a second chance to recover and continue with the game
My Opinion: This game is addictingly fun for all ages.If you want a fun addictive game you may not have played before this is the way to go.
Final Score: 9.5/10
Extra Notes: This game should be played only by those with patience and time on hand.