Get ready to kick some Nasty Alien Ass. Oh Yeah.
I started the game thinking "Omg, what am i going to do?". But suddenly, i just started walking. The fantastic designed maps a very pretty, and easy to walk around in. 15 seconds into the game, i hear some noise. "What could it be?". Then i saw a creepy alien and decided to shoot it. OH YEAH!
Anyway, i really don't see any reason to miss out on this game. It's free (Yes, completely free over Steam) and it's fun too.
You could even feel a little nostalgic because of the "top-down" view.
Pros and Cons:
Free, Great co-op, multiplayer, great graphics, less lagg, lots of weapons, great atmosphere.
Long Loadings (Sometimes), Hard to find a good group, Really easy to hit your team-mates, lack of story
I rate this game 8.5 out of 10.
If you got any questions feel free to pm me.
Have a nice day :) (And let's kick some Alien Ass)