A great setting ruined by poor execution

User Rating: 6.1 | Alien Trilogy PC
The Trilogy is loosely based on the first three movies, or rather the second and the third. Its ambience is excellent with a soundtrack that really shines on some levels, and the cut scenes are decent. However, gameplay suffers from several niggles that stop what could have been a really good game. First of all the level design is a bit confusing with maze like structures and one way elevators that makes navigating rather boring. Most of the time you cannot go where you intend to and have to look for other routes. Jumping will lead you nowhere, instead you have to navigate shallow ramps to get where you want to.

To make this more interesting you will be stalked by xenomorphs of different kinds that will sometimes roam the corridors, or pop up at scripted triggers. The AI isn't particularly impressive, and the game ambience is ruined by the insane amounts of damage that some of the beasts can take. It is not uncommon to pump fifty rounds of pulse rifle ammo into an alien drone, and still it will come back for more. This is really bad design, and removes all of the instant scare factor into a dumb slugging fight that goes on and on and on.

It is a shame for the graphics were ok for its time, and the weapons were all faithful to the movies. There are some really good spooky levels where you walk in a dark and poorly lit xenomorph nest, blasting eggs and getting attacked from creatures hiding in the ceiling, but these scarce moments can't save the entire game. This game is reduced to Doom vs. Aliens (wasn't there a mod for this anyway?), but it could have been so much more.