
User Rating: 9.5 | Alien Trilogy SAT
Epic.15 years ago,it was worth buying a Saturn only to play this game.You could easily become an alien-movies fan after the first couple of hours of playing Alien Trilogy.I can still hear that horrible beeping from the motion censors.The best Alien game by far,although I was never able to finish it.Too difficult for me at that age,and without the Sega Saturn memory cartridge.Dark but beautiful,like the first movie,and silent but loud like the second movie.There were times that you were in absolute silence,walking in dark corners,and times that you could hear monsters screaming,guns firing and eggs exploding.They could easily copy-paste the game and release it with 2011 graphics and still sell like crazy.I hope Alien Colonial Marines won't ruin the series,and won't be like five hours of gameplay and ten hours of cinematics.Fifteen years ago Sega ruled,let's hope it still does.