The only good thing I have to say about this game is that the PC shooters might not exist without it.
The graphics are just plain awful. The predator looks like a very strong old woman (especially when he's climbing up a ladder) wearing a mask. The Aliens actually look OK, meaning you can tell what they're supposed to be. The enemies are just plain annoying. They appear out of nowhere, just like the original Castlevania, but unlike the original Castlevania it's annoying and stupid instead of fun and crazy. The fact that you can't jump and attack at the same time makes it worse, because you always get your ass handed to you if an enemy is on a ledge. The AI patterns are just plain dumb. All they do is run back and forth. That's it. Just keep your distance and use your laser canon, and they won't even be an issue. The last issue this game has is that to make up for blandness in the levels, they have you re-collect all of your weapons in every level (although the only one you really need to finish the level is the bomb). And speaking of the bomb, they can only blow up vertical, one layer brick walls with a single bomb. That means you'll be wasting two or more bombs just to get the laser cannon in later levels. That wouldn't be so bad, except that you only have eight. That means you're effectively screwed if you forget to switch weapons after using a bomb (you sometimes have exactly enough bombs to advance in the level, and that's it. If you waste them, then you have to start over).
In short, just don't buy this game. Or if you're an AvP completeist, buy it and don't play it. Your eyes will thank you.