With only 4 levels of Gameplay Alien X only serves as a Shockwave game that you would play on your Browser for only.....

User Rating: 5 | Alien X (2006) PC

Game Title: Alien X

Platform: PC (Adope Shockwave)

Developer: 3dgroove

Publisher: 3dgroove

Genre: Sci-Fi First-person Shooter

Age Rating: N/A

Release Date: N/A


Game Score: 5.0/10



With only 4 levels of Gameplay Alien X only serves as a Shockwave game that you would play on your Browser for only 45 Minutes.


Alien X from 3d groove is a Sci-Fi First Person Shooter that you play in your Browser. It's not a bad idea to have some 3d shooters to play on your Broswer like this one but with only 4 levels of Gameplay Alien X only serves as a Shockwave game that you would play on your Browser for only 45 Minutes.

You play as a Space Cadet who has been sent to a research space station where experiments has gone out of control and Alien monsters have killed everyone. It's your job to go in and clean the station of every Alien that's on there. It's basic storytelling that you're just there to clean out the station and not figure out how the experiment went out of control.

Alien X is a simple yet formulaic shooter where you'll wonder from one corridor to the next destroying all possible threats that stand in your way, finding key-cards that will open up locked areas and then advance to the next level. There are only 4 levels that you can play through and an Expert Gamer can literally cloud through the entire game in just 45 minutes or less making this one short game only worth playing through at least once. Although the game is quite short the it at least tries to make up for it with Online Leaderboards which show off different players monthly, weekly or daily. If you're not interested in high scores then you'll most likely not want to bother playing it again after you've beaten it but for a Browser Shockwave game it's okay as most games on Shockwave are short and fun mini-games to play anyway. You use only 4 different weapons in the game and you can switch in between weapons and use them for any given situation. The Weapons are a Plasma Pistol which shoots little blue Plasma shots, an Ion Cannon which is more or less a straight rip off off the Nail Gun from Quake, a Flamethrower which has a short range of fire and a Rocket Launcher which has a few bad textures along with a laser sight.

The controls in Alien X play as you would expect from a FPS on PC with keyboard and mouse that's easy to configure if you ever need to make any changes. As for the Gameplay itself it's pretty much of a Quake clone where you shoot Aliens around different rooms that might have a Keycard that will allow you to access a locked room. However on your first run through you might never know that some rooms will contain a Keycard that's needed, you'll end up having to back track and wonder through the same corridors till you find the Keycard which makes wondering around quite tedious later on. The difficulty is challenging for the most part but if you're playing on Normal or Hard mode then it will be a tough fight to survive.

The graphics are not bad as far as Graphics go as a 3d Shockwave game goes. The Cutscenes lack any color detail as they look really blueish with few animations. The Gameplay graphics fairs much better with some good detail of enemies while the environment textures look decent but there are some Environmental Glitches seen through a little bit including the rocket launcher which looks a little out of place. Otherwise it's not a bad looking Shockwave game.

Alien X is alright for one playthrough unless you're hardcore at getting Highscores otherwise it's a decent game that you can play on your browser while it lasts.


The Pros:

1. The game translates well from an actual FPS title to a Web Browser game

The Bads:

1. There's only 4 Levels and the game only lasts for about nearly 45 Minutes

2. A few Graphical issues

3. Cutscenes lack any color


Reviewed by: Anthony Hayball (BlaZer91)
