Outdated Buggy mess of a game.
I am not even sure why they even bothered releasing it, and quite frankly ranks as one of the worst games I have ever, ever played.
It's repetitive, with no atmosphere, buggy, Graphically inferior and quite simply shocking.
At no point does the story in Aliens: Colonial Marines feel connected to its namesake in any way, even when referencing direct events from the films. This game captures none of the tension or dread that permeates Cameron's Aliens, which is doubly disappointing in light of how fiercely the Aliens franchise was brandished as a marketing ploy prior to release.
Frustrating AI isn't limited to just human marines. Xenomorphs seem to face walls more often than they do their enemies. They walk into corners, get caught on geometry, and generally have no clue what they're supposed to do until they can find a way to charge you in a straight line.
This game should have been consigned to the scrap heap along with the developers who spent time coding this sh*te.