The coolest game out

User Rating: 9 | Aliens Versus Predator 2 PC
Okay the movies Alien and Predator have great concepts and ideas but the actual film isn't that great. This though takes them great concepts and mixes them together and lets you play the final product. The final product is a scary, cool, unique game.

Gameplay:::Three unique races each with their own gadgets and fighting techniques. This is stuff most games don't get are only have a part of but never all in one. Marines have a tough time as they play like the standard first person shooter, getting assault rifles and blasting their way through aliens and predators alike. But unlike other FPS your enemeis aren't cloaked, bleed acid, pounce at you and try to disembowl you or take your head as a trophey. So yeah playing Marines is the scariest experience. Aliens though are different. You start as a facehugger, avoiding groups of soldiers until you find an isolated victime. From crawling through tiny vents as a facehugger and bitting your way out of a victim to becoming a Drone and hacking your way through everything. Did I mention Aliens can crawl along walls, upside down and all, and have night vision??? Predators are equipped with melee weapons and other strange stuff. They have four different types of vision, most famous is the heat one, and can go invisible which is really fun.

Graphics::: The graphics aren't the best . It is kinda PS2 graphics but liveable

Sound::: Exactly like the movies. Great!

Value::: Three campagnes and totally different experience for each. Lots of custom maps as well but multi ain't much of a wow and at this date I doubt much ppl will be on.

Tilt::: Very very cool game with lots of things to try out.