AAAHHHHH!!!! OMG! i loved this game soo much, if only i hadent updated my computer styem :(

User Rating: 10 | Aliens Versus Predator PC
i really got this game for my older bro, but i kinda fall in love with it lol! were to start..... well my favoute was being the alien because you can sneek up to unsespeing humans and then *POW* slash and bite sooo much fun. sometimes a changle which is hard to find for me. and so many levels it took me i think about a year and a half to complet just being the alien. near the end you have to fight this predator well preadater's which are invisable.

ok well my fave thing about the alien is you can climb walls and have lots of attacks like tail wip, claws and the best thing....that fast bite that comes out of ya month and bites the humans head off, ok a bit yak but hey! oh and you can run really fast. at the end their is a video clip were you are ariveing to earth to do you know what. destory the hurman race i gress.....

i almost finshed being the human i was on the last level were i was trying to kill the alien mother MAN was she pissed off! lol
then sadly i had my computer updated so the game was unable to run :[
you get these KOOL guns to many to say. right at the start you get put in the deep end. a little along the track aliens full on top of you and come out of well everywere at one stage you even go into the alien hive... wow :b

i didnt really play much as the predator i always found it boring so not much to report.

you must play this game if your computer will run it, i think its 95/98 running sytem, not to sure.