Not for everyone. And enough about the Alien being a pain to control!
First things first; this game has/had huge potential considering the ability of today's gaming consoles when compared to the technology available during the days of the first AVP. And it is hard to try to convince non-AVP fans about the pro's of this game as there are so many other games out there that can and will be better than this one. That being said I believe this game caters to a very select niche of AVP fans, the key word here is FANS.
The second thing is; did the game live up to expectations? In my opinion it did and it did not.
The campaign is entertaining for all three species. Enough difficulty levels and hidden artifacts to give you a good 20 hours (if not more) alone as a single player as well as the online mode where the game does get entertaining. Imagine you and friends being the Aliens hunting in packs with Bluetooth chat ability, imagine setting up an alien (online team-mate) as a distraction for a predator and while said predator moves in for the kill you swoop down from the ceiling and impale the poor predator with your tail. Imagine a fire squad of marines moving through corridors each covering a side and when an Alien is spotted you hear a team-mate say (nine-o-clock high) as the whole fire squad bears down a hail of pulse rifle shots toward the stalking Alien. Online play is smooth and can be really enjoyable if you find the right team.
While the main complaints I hear about this game are related to the way an Alien moves and is controlled, let me get that issue out of the way and tell you that the control of an alien grows on you after time and while it can get tricky in tight spots with the passing of time you will find yourself stalking your prey from the ceilings and jumping through vents to avoid fire in no time. Don't believe me? Go online and you will see that the majority of players choose the alien in death match, what does that tell you?
Another qualm I might have about this game is the online server. Maybe the game has not gone on sale throughout Europe yet therefore the servers seem empty, but I have spent a good 45 minutes just trying to find a match and then finding the right people to join that match. Either it is a server issue (can be patched) or the number of players actually playing it.
To conclude this I would like to point out that if you do not like the Alien or the Predator series this game might be hard to swallow, and while it may have it's letdowns here and there so does any game. It is not unplayable by any means, but for the FANS, I think Sega said it best, in this game, your Hunter, Survivor or Prey.