Cant say i agree with the critics

User Rating: 9 | Aliens vs. Predator X360
I think that this game is underrated. i do not agree with the rating given to it by gamespot and i think that this game is awesome. i never seem to have a problem with the movement of the alien, or anything else really. the only thing is that the heavy attack takes too long i think. also they couldve put in some more weapons for the marines since they are so weak compared to the other two species. my one hope is that this game doesnt end up like so many other good games and just gets pushed aside with the online because everybody has to play mw2. which i despise but thts another story. i think AvP has awesome campaign and solid online which allows for many plays. i enjoy this game alot and would recommend it to anyone whos a fan of the alien or predator franchises and amazingly ill kills. because if you dont think tht shoving the aliens tail through a guys back and exploding it out his mouth is awesome, you have serious problems