Thank goodness, I bought this game despite the low score given by Gamespot. A rare top notch atmosphere and intense game

User Rating: 9 | Aliens vs. Predator PC
Well, this is my first time to post a review of a game. I really feel that all the harsh criticism of this game is a bit unfair. I have played lots of fps games, crysis, call of duty series, etc. The intensity, the horror, the immersiveness of this game is really top notch. The minute you played the game, there will be no relaxing moment. I repeat, the minute you played the game, there will be no relaxing moment. You will not have the ability to crouch and lean against a wall, observe your enemy, pop up and shoot, crouch, relax abit while reloading your gun while waiting for your enemy to pop up his head for you to shoot. No, this is not your typical fps of todays. In this game, all your senses must be engaged, and fast reflex is a must. First you must hear your sonar beep constantly, keep your eyes on every nooks and crevices and dark shadowy corners, the ceiling, in fact every where around you 360 degrees. Through out the games, you have to walk slowly and observe the surroundings, jumping at the slightest sound, because once the the sonar beeps, you will be frantically searching for the xenomorph. Man, they are quick and their path of travel is unpredictable, jumping from floor to ceiling, zigzagging, hiding...all the while the bleep on the sonar comes closer, but you lose sight of the alien and suddenly it jumps form some shadowy walls or ceiling and infront of you. This is when you will unconsciously retreat, jump, swivel, startled from your computer monitor, not to mention fell from your chair, in panic to shoot the ugly beast. Imagine when there are multitude bleeps surrounding and coming closer very fast. It is really that intense. I haven't play such an intense fps that make me jump and dodge from pc monitor in a long while. The game seem a bit uninspire and mediocre at the beginning level, but please continue on and you will see what I mean. As for performance, I haven't experience any glitch whatsoever and my framerate never deeps below 70 with max setting 1440 900 resolution 4x anisotrophic with q6600 at 3ghz and ati4890.