The games good but not what i thought it would be
Good things.
The marine levels good and could scare a 5 year old .
Online not that bad but gets good
Alien and predator missions fun to slice someones head or eat his face.
Bad things the alien and predator missions are way to easy and short i was hopeing that they would be the same but no.
the alien is a bit tricky to master as its wall hanging you go up-side down and its hard to go back with out getting shot at or eating or blade to the chest.
Good and bad things.
Like online modes, like you team up with a alien and you predator gets a bit hard to know if he is a friend or foe.
and the grabs like you grab someone then some one grabs you like the konga of aliens and predators.
So try this game rent it or buy but dont buy unless you are really sure you want to!