A game that goes out of it's way to be bad.
The game does a few things right. The controls are decent to a point. They aren't intuitive but they aren't horrible.
That's about all the nice things I have to say about this.
First, the game tries to include melee and may have actually found the worst way to do it. The melee system feels clumsy at the best of times, even with all the cool sounds and knowing you're a Predator, it still makes you feel more like you're a couple of old men fighting with their walkers. You can also grab enemies to finish them off or sneak attack them but this whole mechanic is laughable. I've been directly behind and enemy and couldn't "sneak attack" whereas I've also been about six feet behind one and had the option come up. As for in "finishing", it's rarely used as confidence in it is really low so most people just figure to hit whoever they are beating a couple more times. These special moves also have the added benefit of taking longer as they have some animation associated with them. So in multiplayer, they're a very good way to die.
Second, the match making service is painful. And I mean painful in the worst way possible. There are two options "Ranked" and "Player", so far the only difference between the two I've noticed is that going the route of "Player" ends up with a game whereas "Ranked" just shows you a pretty screen. I don't think I've ever thought I was the only person who owned the game before... Although, having played it, that seems more plausible than it did before.
Third, the spawning system will place you in front of an enemy about 2 times out of five. It's pretty annoying.
Four, the predator cloaking gets very annoying with having to switch it on and off all the time.
Five, I know some people like Aliens the most, others like Predators and all that jazz. I think what we can agree on, though, is that the marines are much better in this than in any of the movies. I'm not saying they are stronger than Preds or Aliens, but I think the game would feel much more authentic if say, the marines just had larger teams to help them cope.
The whole game just feels really poorly put together. The predator's jumping mechanism is pretty horrible when in the heat of the action, the models are none too pretty. It's just horrible.
That said, if you enjoy it, good on you.