Nothing like what it could be compared to AVP2 but not bad if you can score it for less than $50
I would have liked to see some more predator action in the marine campaign, some larger environments with big playing fields, this is where a rocket launcher would have been great. Also i really enjoyed going through the alien life cycle in AVP2 it would have been nice to include this. The marine class is probably the best made class (not hard to screw up in comparison) the predator class was not what i wanted to see, being able to jump like an alien was a huge downfall, i prefer the original holding shift and then jump to get some mad air, the predator also needed more weapons and as for the combi stick, well that was a waste of time. The alien class and perhaps the poorest made of the 3 was terrible, aliens should be swift and agile, button mashing to get through vents and such was a poorly thought out design, again in the original a pounce was as simple as pressing "E" in this however you must look toward a platform that is within range.
Multiplayer was a huge let down in some respects, taking out classes really bugs me, using different aliens and predators with their own abilities was so much fun and each had a different playing style. Not being able to find many matches is also not a great reason to purchase this game however some hard core fans still play.
Overall the game is OK, it lacks major qualities the original had, if you can score this game for less than $50 i'd say nab it.