Aliens vs Predator is a game with some easy mistakes but some solid fun hidden away...
Before I begin I need to say that this is coming from a hardcore fan of the franchise.
Okay, to kick things off this game has a pretty "good" single player meaning its not amazing nor extremely lacking in the way that it may be linear and seem repetitive but no so much as to stop you from playing.
You all know the deal, 3 campaigns small amount of levels.
Alien campaign being the shortest.
To me the campaigns seem like those of some games where you play them once, have some good fun and never touch them again unless you are going to see that "one moment" or to replay "that level you really liked." You'll still have fun but I don't think there were any "super awesome mad moments."
Single player aside, lets jump into the thing that usually keeps games alive, the multiplayer.
I thoroughly enjoy the multiplayer even though it has bugs and is very imbalanced I still go in and have fun.
Some modes are really enjoyable such as survival with friends or mixed species team deathmatch.
Hardcore fans will find a lot of hours of fun in multiplayer just running off the ideas of the new graphics and new maps.
Though the game needs major attention that I believe it will not get. I believe it should still be played by any fans until it dies off. I always love getting some friends, grabbing our mics and shooting waves of aliens until we get smashed.
I gave this game a high rating due to the unexplainable longevity it has had with me and many other fans.
In conclusion I can say, its worth the price if you can find it cheap and if you're a fan of the franchise.