EA's fast-paced graphics has nothing on the sheer game play APF has to offer

User Rating: 8.5 | All-Pro Football 2K8 X360
No quarterback 50 yard no look passes here EA fan boys, just pure football. Setting up offensive scripts and realistic defense brings a warm welcome back to 2k's football offering. Though the play selection is somewhat limited the game still packs an playbook punch. Every pass must be thought out and every big run breakout move planned. Presentation is nostalgic of ESPN 2k5 minus Chris Berman, but the big plays are shown in sportscenter spectacular fashion. Though commentary is dated and cut and pasted onto legends bio's the commentary is coherent and "johnny on the spot". My recommendation? Want fast paced arcadey goodness? not the game for you but if you want REAL football action. APF 2k8 got your back on this one. Have Fun