Better than Madden
Cons: At times get boring, some people online cheats or do the same thing with the same players ( I think it only happen to me), and short frahcise mode.
This game is way better than madden in every way. Everything you think of is in All Pro Football. Gameplay: This never gets old. It a good mix of anitmations in football. Player models look accurete, and physics is good in it way. I thought it was the same as NFL 2k5, but it not. Some ways it the same, but it minors things to me. Graphics: This is a minor thing that is the same as NFL 2k5. But it nothing that will make you change your mind about the game. Online Community. If you have online and you could play this game online, it is fun. But some people (I played with) cheats or use Rice and Montana and throw deeps bombs. Or Earl Campell runs it all the time. I like the online community leagues or season. If fun when you in a active one too. But once you in a good game it fun.
The legends you pick is going to affect how you play it in a real game. This game will make you switch up your team, so you could find how players play your style. To me, the season mode is not the old or same thing. I use different player every season mode. The ahievements makes me play a little longer too. But if you like football and tired of the madden frachise. Get All Pro Football 2k8. This is way better than Madden 08