This particular game is a really good choice for anyone looking for a good baseball game. It may be slightly out-dated, but once you play it, you will see that it still is highly playable and may become a favorite in your collection. I picked it up for about $12 at the local EB Games 2 years ago. As far as baseball game standards are concerned, this game stands up to the plate. The graphics are actually really good, and the gameplay is really fun. I've played the Slugfest series as well as the MLB series and overall I and my friends prefer All-Star Baseball. This game includes classic teams, many modes of gameplay, great graphics, and overall is really quite enjoyable. If you are a baseball fan pick it up.
Baseball has always been a great game, from when I was a little kid, till now, when I'm not.. I remember playing Atari 2600 & 7800. Man Those games sucked. What else were you going to do, play with the neighbor kids.... Read Full Review
I really like to dust this game off a few times a month and get a game in. I know it's rosters are getting older but it is still a very fun game. The franchise mode in the game is great fun, you can even make an expansio... Read Full Review