Not comparing to another game, it's decent.

User Rating: 6.5 | Allods Online PC
Let's get this thing started. Allods Online does indeed take alot from WoW, and yes, WoW has taken alot from other games, such as EQ.

I, however, am going to review this game as if I had never touched WoW before, as if I weren't comparing it to anything.

Storyline: Well, it's not bad, but certainly not interesting. The quest, the dungeon, and the world lore is just, meh. I really never cared for it.

Graphics: They are very nice, cartoony, but also realistic. I especially like the look of the spells being cast.

Sound Effects: Realistic, if I could actually control a tiny gremlin/dwarf/gnome/imp thingabobber wielding a stick.

Music: It's nice, kind of static, but you won't notice it very much.

Gameplay: It's exciting at first, but like any MMO, it gets repetitive, and you begin to only start playing to reach the maximum level. When you do reach maximum level, you will find yourself grinding heroics (Yes, I know.) to attain gear, to do harder instances, (Uh huh.) to get better gear.

Another thing I need to talk about, is customization. In this game, you won't find alot of it. There aren't many skills, so if you are playing a Shaman, and there is another Shaman in your group, you will almost always have close to the same abilities. This discouraged me, because I like being able to be different.

Overall, if you're looking for a free MMO, this isn't a bad choice, but you will wind up with the same ending as the others. Do NOT being playing this game if you are looking for, "The One".