(9.1)the closest ftpmmo out there that scrapes the edges of WoW, in the way it feels
but i'll treat this game like any other. the game mechanics are good, and it sports some nice graphics and ideas to boot. the main towns are big and alive (at least the good-people side's), and it focuses strongly on party-play and killing big bosses (at least for as far as i've gotten). there's like a **** load of classes, but basically there's only like 8, just for each race they have a different name. speaking of races, the races are actually pretty cool. i like them. as much as i like the gimmerlings i just can't seem to play as one. if your a dude then the elves are pretty much gay (i'm talking about the good people's side). of course you got the humans. then there's the bad-people humans (2 different kinds of humans wtf? wtvr), of course orcs (which look like galkan from ffxi), and robot/undead people. servers are pretty good about lag. there's a good amount of people. the idea of the game is beautifully remarkable, however if they focused around that idea, the game would be amazing (however it's already pretty good for a ftpmmo, but traveling space in a big galley would just be awesome). leveling takes forever and feels slow, but the talent tree is more than enough to keep pushing. there are a lot of quests that are HARD, and will take lots of time and patience to do. like right now i have to kill 30 things that have an extremely slow respawn rate. and there's lots of stuff like that everywhere. taking down a big boss (the first one you fight is the devil or something) is lots of fun, not to mention the time, patience, and satisfaction of putting together a party to take it down. oh ya the second one is a rabid killer squirrel, if you run into that just a heads up don't fight it alone :). anyways, character progression is very rewarding and makes you feel powerful. each class is very distinctual and has there own trademarks of power and destruction. i personally play as a mage, which gets there first aoe at lvl 5. THE BREAKDOWN
graphics - 9.0 (very good and sustain good processing)
gameplay - 9.0 (gives the same vibe WoW did back in the day)
sound - 9.5 (not frequent, but every time they play i love them and their catchy)
responsiveness - 8.5 (lag is FARELY rare but cities are pretty laggy)
pvp - 10 (again, gives the same vibe WoW did back in the day)
quests - 8.5 (save the annoying ones, big boss battles are AWESOME)
instances - 9.0 (i'm just gonna consider the big bosses instances)
innovation - 9.0 (yeah i've referred to WoW, but only on the sence of the FEEL of it, which is a good thing)
length - 9.0 (it'll keep you hooked for a while)