Free to play is a lie.
For now it is only doable by a lvl 4+ rune equiped players lvl 41-42 with full epic gear set. After the "release" it will be possible for players lvl 47.
The game suffers from many unfixed bugs and players that use it get long bans, instead of rolling back any items/gold gained in abusing the bugs and fixing the programing section of the game.
Several things occurred too. Players abused the enemy Goblin Banker with a Cash shop item, gaining twice as much stats then League players, because the bug isn't reproducible on League side.
There were people who instantly became rich when an event introduced a free boutique item, selling the mass of the same item to vendor for some serious gold. No gold has been taken and no bans occurred for that.
Lags, patch testing on a server that is working for players.
Not to mention fail events:
10-25 level PvP event.
In Allods, 2 levels between players are like heaven and hell. It is almost similar to pve.
When a bunch of level 10 players attack one level 25, a bunch dies.
There was an astral event(Astral is also end game content that requires a ship and a crew to sail in space), where GM invited everyone on the server. LvL 13 players and up got rolled by lvl 42 players with gears and runes, and GM managed to destroy the vessel.
Broken classes. Curently Eu servers are split in 2 shards. ISA and ZAK.
ISA is an english only shard.
Game features two warring sides : Empire and League
League players are mostly Healer Class, specced for melee fighting.
Its a plate wearing caster that has Aoe Stun, Single Target Blind, Single Target Slow and Single target silence skills.
He also possesses a WoW paladin like bubble that renders the healer immune to any form of attack. His mechanic involves casting melee spels to gain buffs in order to shorten cast times and mana requirements so that he can spam them. Also his attacks heal himself.And during combat is a Melee Healer runs out of mana, he will use bubble and use a channeling skill to return mana and hit points. Everyone in the game possesses this skill, however only Healers may effectively use it during heat of combat with no fear of dying.
Most of the League players are either Paladins(that take no to a little damage due to being a tank class)
And Melee Healers, that can solo Heroic versions of instances.
No matter how good you are at the character you are playing, If you are not runed(that costs real money) you won't deal any damage to other players with runes.
Add that if you palading or Melee healer, you are set to abuse every other class in the game(eg Join League there are guilds entierly made out of Mhealers)
Friendly and enemy npcs are bugged and when you reach such areas, a system will always give a kill to friendly NPC, over the 90% of dmg you character did,making the enemy npc drop no loot. Fun
People that abused some bosses got banned, People that abused wand merchants got banned for a day.
Player that flamed a raid that was hunting him (In open PvP area, not for players that didnt invest alot of money on game, since players that you partied with before and that helped you and you helped them will come and hunt you like a dog in Melting Isles)
got banned for 10 days.
People are still abusing the bonus stats and aren't banned.
Same goes with Boutique item sellers to vendors)
Sometimes pets of the two classes are known to charge at enemy NPCs for no real reason making a party die soon after.
Some terrain is inaccessible, and it can cause falling of an Allod(a floating island, there are no invisible walls and you can fall of any map)
or even worse, not being able to cast spells that require a perfect alignment with the target .
Story is interesting but it suffers under set of repeating quests.
Set of Antropologist quest that give a very good gear are present on the second to the final map.
These quests involve :
Killing 50/100/150 of the same mob;
Killing X number of Rare Mobs (that spawn every 2 hours, so others call kill them too, not to mention Friendly Npc that steal them)
Finding X number of Hidden Stones around a map;
Collecting X number of ingerdient with a low drop rate from a highlighted objects;
And the quest that gives good gear is the last:
Finish all other quests for Antropologist(ones I stated above)
Another quest that players got sick of are teleporter quests.
They are also present in every area and sometimes need to be done several times for different teleporters in the game. These involve hunting one mobs of special kid to satisfy a teleporter ghost.However as you make progress the ammount of mobs he needs goest over 15, and usually it is required to move back and fort across the map hunting for 2 different kinds of mobs, while fending of aggro on the run.
The support is horrible, and GMs are brain damaged.
It was suposed to be a great game. Unbalance due to cash shop, and broken classes make the game experience worse then constant lags.
Final advise:Stay clear. Wait for Gw2.