Could have been A+, Shame
The game itself whilst fun and innovative in some areas is let down by a clumsy control scheme and some questionable descisions on the part of the developers.
Some of the set pieces the game contains are truly awesome, yet mared by glitches with your character magically appearing on the opposite side of the screen.
The driving sections whilst fun and fantastic to look at (particularly the crumbling New York section) would have been so much better had a checkpoint system been implemented so that when you die you don't have to start from scratch.
Last is the combat which for me is the greatest disappointment. The game is viewed over the shoulder much like Resident Evil 4, yet whenever you want to fire a gun you are forced into a first person mode. Its very fiddly. I like the option to play in first person, but its neither one way or the other. Some parts must be done in 3rd person some in 1st.
If a patch comes out to rectify theses issues then Alone in the Dark would easily get a 9.0 score from me, fingers crossed it happens and soon!!