It does everything right completely wrong
Lets start with the most blatantly obvious thing you'll notice the very second you start the game. The graphics are by and large terrible. Some of the environments look decent or even good but every character model, monster, and zombie look terrible. They are disfigured blobish looking things and its really insulting to us wii owners when the 360 version is one of the greatest pieces of eye candy in a long time based on the previews I've seen.
Now with the exception of the graphics everything else the game does is great in theory. Most of the ideas are brilliant but the execution is absolutely off the charts "are you ****ing kidding me."
Lets start with the enemies. The monsters are a fine idea I mean they're basically the infected from 28 Days Later and some weird mutant bat things but heres the problem, these are the absolute STUPIDEST enemies I have ever seen in a game. The quality of the AI is absolutely unacceptable. I mean I can not stress enough how bad the AI is. You really need to see this to believe it otherwise I don't think it is possible to really understand how piss poor the AI is. Every enemy has an "I can stand here zone" so if you decide to stand outside that zone and shoot at them they will either, 1. stand still. 2. wander towards you but stop at the end of their zone. 3. Run around in circles. Seriously the AI is so bad you really don't have to fight a single enemy in the game if you choose not to except the on rails bat boss and the miniboss thing that appears 3 or 4 times. I literally walked up to an enemy and stood still right next to it. It didn't move for a while then it turned around and walked away. It walked around in circles for a few seconds then it realized that I was there and decided "oh I should attack that" but remember every sprinting enemy can easily be outrun by Carnby's brisk walk so its not a concern.
The controls, as I thought they would after seeing the trailer, suffer from overcomplicated wiimote usage syndrome. There are too many actions made by too similar motions that the game constantly confuses them and does the wrong thing. It took me until about 3/4 through the game to finally get them down so I could successfully open my inventory and not take out my flashlight. The controls are actually very good and make a lot of sense in corresponding to the motions but they just aren't executed in a way that makes the motions, while cool, practical in any way. Also driving a car is absolutely HORRIBLE. There was one sequence where you are in a car chase and I hated the game so much for making me suffer through this because steering this stupid thing through that winding road without crashing while still outrunning the enemy is off the charts ridiculously annoying.
The use of fire was a big attraction to the game but really there wasn't all that much of it. I only had to burn one or two things to solve a puzzle over the whole course of the game. What I did end up doing a lot was putting out fires and seriously how is that supposed to fuel my pyromaniac?
The inventory is something that really shocked me. You have a gun but you can only carry up to four extra ammo clips. Theres a miniboss type monster that appears over and over again and he takes about 4 and a half clips to kill leaving you with half a clip when you finish him. The only other way you have to fight from your inventory is by using antiseptic spray and the lighter to make a flamethrower. At first I didn't do this because I thought "oh know I need the spray to save me if I get hurt" but then I noticed 2 things. 1. I never EVER ran out of antiseptic spray once throughout the whole game and 2. If you spray even the slightest bit of fire it will instantly kill even the strongest of enemies.
In your inventory there is a cell phone and I see no use for this at all. You can't call anyone ever and theres all these numbers in the contacts like "antonios pizza" and I thought maybe there'd be some sort of funny easter egg but for the life of me I couldn't find one. All it does is has these "notes" which are like little mementos Carnby writes down to tell you whats on his mind if you choose to read it. This is a useless feature and every number you dile says the phone lines are down making a really useless thing.
There are a few redeeming qualities to the game. The music is outstanding. I have the soundtrack edition and I'm glad because the music is fantastic and creepy. The other sound effects are not so great. The gun is like a pea shooter and the voice acting (especially that peter kid. hes annoying) is pretty lame. I liked Carnby's voice actor but that was it. The blinking thing was actually kinda cool once I got over myself (I thought it was stupid but ended up liking it). And the greatest thing about the game is the puzzles. I like the puzzles. They really made me think...sometimes. Some were easy as one two three. Some were so unbearably stupid I figured out with dumb luck and I was like "you have got to be kidding me". Example being I have to shoot a door open not hit it with something and I have to knock a wall down but its an unmarked wall with no clues what so ever. Some good puzzles were -23- (I was so happy when I got that one) and the laser maze. Also I enjoyed the climbing segments. I just thought they were cool.
Now as far as the wii version is considered in respect to the 360 version, this was the most appalling thing to me. I'm not sure if the AI on the 360 version also suffers from an extreme case of the stupid virus but based on videos where the zombies climb on the car and start attacking it as opposed to standing still and getting run over (if you are in a car you are in an invincible death machine by the way) the 360 version seems to have smarter AI. Now I was reading some 360 reviews and they all mentioned some ungodly difficult "tree level" where you drive around the park killing evil trees. The wii version has nothing even remotely close to this. I looked at some of the 360 achievements. It had things like "kill a rats nest". I don't know what that means because we don't have anything even remotely close to that. We have half-life 2 head crabs but no rats. In the videos there was sticky tape and glowsticks. Not a single glowstick or sticky tape in the whole game.
Now this, above everything else I've mentioned negative, made me absolutely FURIOUS. There was an achievement for the 360 called "light way" or "dark way" and it depended on whether or not you kill Sarah. In the final cutscene of the wii version Sarah gets sucked into some portal and comes back all creepy. She knocks you down and looks at you and then the game goes to credits. I screamed when this happened. The achievement implies that this is the final boss or something (the wii version only has one boss battle by the way. The on rails shooter bat part). The wii version does not have this boss fight all it has is a cutscene leading up to it and credits. We were jipped out of levels, features, items, enemies, graphics, AI, BUT THE CONCLUSION TO THE STORY!? ARE YOU SERIOUS ATARI!? We don't even get a cutscene showing the end of the story only skipping the actual boss fight no we get NOTHING.
Up until that point despite the overwhelming amount of glitches (there are TONS. its really hard to believe) and bad game design I was actually having some sort of weird fun. I was enjoying it and I was surprised. I was playing and I was like "I'm having fun. Why. This game screams 'I suck' but I'm still having fun" and then I hit that point and went into full blown rage. That is the most outrageous infuriating thing I've ever had happen to me in a video game. They don't even make a half assed effort to quickly wrap up the story in a lame cutscene like they seem to have done with the rest of the games features. they left me with one of the biggest cliffhangers I've ever experienced because I was actually interested in the story despite its ridiculousness and now I can never get the conclusion.
Despite all the bad design I was enjoying myself but that last moment was like getting kicked in the balls and its just not acceptable. The game does so many things right in terms of innovative ideas and the puzzles really got me thinking (sometimes the puzzles were made harder because they were designed with only the developers retarded logic but when I finally got it it was really satisfying) but everything is executed so poorly its inexcusable. 5/10