The reviews that say that this game is unplayable are just completely wrong. The controls are not bad at all! They are very reminiscent of the first couple of Resident Evil's in fact. Although the print screen button being used to jump off a rope is a bit strange, it's easily adapted to. The only real problem I found with this game is that when I try to throw an enemy into a fire, Edward stops dragging them toward it if his body is bent at all (which you control with your mouse) or the body stops just short of the fire, giving the possessed human (not **** zombie as everyone keeps referring to them as) time to kick you off them and continue their relentless (if not long) attack until you knock them down again. All in all this is actually a very good game unless you're one of the people that obviously haven't played proper survival horror games which has exactly the same type of controls as this game.
Other Helpful Reviews for Alone in the Dark (2008)
The Alone in the Dark series has been around since the early 90's, and is considered to be the original survival horror franchise. In the spirit of originality, "Eden Games", a relatively unfamiliar French game developme... Read Full Review
Let me first start out by saying that this game is beautifully designed. It is so beautiful in fact that I would say it's on par with Bioshock as far as it's visual delivery. It's simply fantastic. There are three maj... Read Full Review