Would someone please light me on fire?

User Rating: 5 | Alone in the Dark X360
To take away the pain that this game has brought into my life?

Graphics. Are ok. Fire looks great. Almost everything else is kind of a let down.

Combat is a disaster. Driving is very glitchy and frustrating.

Simple things like how your character moves can be a challenge, no thanks to the camera that can at times drive you insane.

I understand the concept of limited inventory due to the genre of the game. But execution of how you handle your inventory as well as combine items can be a chore and a pain. That can also pretty much some up this game. Great almost revolutionary ideas. Bad execution.

Did I mention the absurd storyline. It would of been nice if they at least tried to keep the spirit of the original alive. As that was the reason this game had been on my wish list for such a long time. And I thought this sort of game was suppose to be scary? This isn't.

In the end consider this game the poor mans Condemned.