I don't think people realize what a thinking man's game means anymore.
Alone in the Dark is a game that requires the player to actually think, to use his or her brain. Alone in the Dark is not your simple run and shoot and you beat it type game, it's not Call of Duty where Activision just slaps a number at the end of it and calls it done. The problem I am reading most is the controls, and this is what I don't get, if you have played Resident Evil (any of them). then you should be ok with this game because they are the same as any Resident Evil game with the exception of switching between first and third person. Other complaints span to the infamous 59th Street scene when your driving through New York City. Once again I see no problem with this as I completed it in one try, and during that one try I encountered no such things that ive been reading like ''invisible walls'' or ''bottemless pits.'' In fact, I re-did the part in cockpit mode which actually made the scene easier.
I am actually glad I decided to go ahead and buy this game even with all the negative press, because I am so sick and tired of the usual games were getting today which no effort was truly put behind. Just looking at that list and looking at how Alone in the Dark is doing commercially; I now fully understand why we have so many sequels. Gamers are getting stupid. Plain and simple, we are playing the same games over and over again that there no longer needs to be any creativity anymore as all the game companies have to do is slap a number at the end of a game and call it done.
Alone in the Dark is not for simple minded gamers, and I am NOT sorry if that insults somebody else who doesn't like it; unlike most games of today this game requires you to THINK, and more importantly to use commen sense.
The only complaints I see with this game are the repetitive roots you have to burn and that it has limited replay value, and maybe the occasional glitch, but what game doesn't have glitches nowadays?
Overall I would have to say this is the most creative and innovative game of 2008, it has its flaws but by no means are they 'game killers.' If you are interested in this game and would like a fairer review of it, I suggest you go read the review at 1Up, or go to Youtube and type in 'Context Sensitive: Alone in the Dark.' Other than that I highly recommend this game to survival horror fans.