It will fascinate you at times and make you curse at others.
But to the point, this game will fascinate you at one moment and make you curse at the screen the next. The graphics are incredible at times, especially the special effects that come out when you're hanging on for dear life on a rope. There are some memorable moments, that make me think the developers really had a good time making this game. That's the way it should be right, they have fun making it and we have fun playing it.
But there are some drawbacks, really. The story is intriguing but after just finishing Alan Wake before I got to this game, it's somewhat of a letdown.
The inventory combination system isn't really as cool as they make it seem. I just wanted to use Fire Bullets, Molotovs, explosive bottles that you can shoot at the right moment, and a melee weapon on fire. I didn't bother with sticking glowsticks and ammo boxes on a sticky Molotov, it was more trouble than it was worth really.
There was one moment in the game when far too many enemies came out you after a tough run through a hanging subway car. I got to the scene only able to withstand two hits, and there was no medical bottles nearby. My heart was beating hard when I finally got through it, but wow it was tough. I'm lucky I was alone in the house because of my choice words flying at the screen.
I do recommend it even with it's frustrations, at least the PS3 version. The game is 8 episodes long and you should be able to finish it in 12 hours. Get it on ebay or goozex, and play it alone in the dark.