Cheap as chips,(on pc) yet very satisfying.

User Rating: 8.5 | Alone in the Dark (2008) PC
After all the huss huss about alone in the dark and how "bad" it was, I decided to face the reviews with a cheap offer down at the local "GAME". £5 on pc for this game, really didnt seem bad, so I had a shot.
After installing the game and playing for 20 mins, i decided:
" Alone in the dark isnt a bad game, its a great game!"
For me, it has a lot of things i want in a game, its smart, its intuitive and its a good puzzle/action game, where you have to use your brain. I would definitley reccomend this game to anyone who would have an interest in it, and i see no problems that other reviews have stated such as:
-Bad controls
-Bad graphics
-A bad port!!!
On the contrary. it has good graphics, its a good port and the controls seem fine to me, W A S D to move, mouse to shoot, seems normal :)
If you really dont like the controls, change it... whats the big deal?
Allthough I havent finished the game yet, im allready well through it and the story is an ok conspiracy theory thing mixing the occult and magic, its no episode of 24, but still better than other bland shooters on the market.
However, Alone in the Dark has some problems. The biggest one ive seen are graphical errors, and slight slow done during transition of cutscenes and areas, allthough it doesnt prevent me from continuing, it still can be slightly a bit of a bugger. Also there is only one save game profile, so you cant really share the game with siblings or friends.
I can relate this game to the series of "Penumbra" quite comfortably, as I can see some similarities, but i see a lot more original ideas as well. Also, Alone in the Dark is more action packed with car chases, deadly fights with melee weapons and good old fashioned improvised molotovs. Its a great game, so give it a go and surpass the reviews, even on PC its still good and is much cheaper than the other versions. The ps3 version is said to be the best, but i dont have the cash to try it, so if you dont mind missing what the ps3 version offers ( trophies, new camera, new level, blah blah blah...) just try the PC version, as long as your PC is decent, you should find it cool :D