Old school space shooter that is nothing new, but takes me back to the old days of simple blast and kill games.
Nothing new here, or even anything that makes me look twice, but still all the old solid shoot and loot is here for the asking. Just now getting into the game, and it is not really all that much fun, but there is just something that keeps me running around playing it.
I needed a good mindless game to play for a few days, and this one fits the need quite well. All in all I am satisfied and happy as I can be with this type of game. You won't really have to rhink much if you don't choose too.
Actually the graphics and missions are not bad at all, just simply done with a minimum of effort on the designers part, IMHO anyway. I am still only about hlafway done, but I don't expect any surprises to happen, just more run and gun and all the other old school cliches I used to love so much.
Quite simply a nice old school space game that will not make you think a lot, but will give you plenty of shooting and gunning fun.