A pleasant surprise

User Rating: 7.6 | Alpha Prime PC
I fired-up this game having no expectations. Even less, I expected it would suck! I was nicely surprised though when I realised that not only does the game not suck nearly as bad as the vast majority of FPS coming out lately, but that I was actually finding it quite good and enjoyable! Yes, the game is short as it has been pointed out, but I don't really like spending week after week on the same game, going nowhere, playing the same recycled levels again and again. The story is OK, I mean it works, it grabs you along for the ride, but that's about it. The gameplay feels at times not as responsive as I'd like it to be, it's not bad though, but the jumping isn't all that great, sometimes stuff is in the way, like when you try to jump on a table, because you can't go around it, only to realise it's too damn hard because the jumping controls are so unresponsive! The AI does a very poor job in presenting itself adequately, the enemies stand still and shoot at you until they get shot, they proceed to a different scripted position, only to return to the exact same place again, it is just so predictable. What the programmers did instead was making the characters hard to kill, specifically the robots, which is a poor attempt to present a challenge in my book. Somehow, the process of killing stuff, still remains quite fun and satisfying. Otherwise, you get everything that you would expect in a FPS, the weapons are cool, targeting, shooting and killing feels good. There is nothing innovative though and nothing you haven't seen, if you've played a FPS in the last 3 years. Some reviewer pointed out that the game is too hard even on easy, my guess is he hasn't been playing any FPS lately. If a FPS is not challenging, it has pretty much nothing going for it. The voice acting isn't all that great, there's a particularly annoying voice actor trying to imitate english with a hispanic accent, makes you want to pierce your ear-drums. I kinda liked the voice acting for the main character, though, dude's been through a lot and the voice actor made it show. Of course I saved the best for last. The graphics. I have been dissapointed time after time, by the graphics FPS coming from Europe have, this is not the case this time. Matched by the average requirements needed to make this game look good, the graphics are almost on par, I'm not sure whether they used the newest doom engine, but it sure looks like it, making it a visual treat to play. This game's graphics look up to date and at such a small size, I for one am amazed. Character models look good, the stuff you shoot at looks good, pretty much everything looks good. I recommend this game if you feel like playing an above average FPS from Europe. Just don't get it expecting too much and you won't be dissapointed if you are a fan of the genre.
Thanks for reading!