Just another sci-fi shooter that is taking elements from other games. No major improvement and certainly not innovative.
In the game, you're a guy and your mission is to stop someone from collecting hubardium, which is a very intense drug that gives special powers. So it's very dangerous, but YOU, the main character, takes some without any good reason. Just to go into slow motion and kill people easily.
So your goal is to stop somebody that collects the drug, but you take some yourself too. That's weird.
Gameplay: Not different in any good way. You go and hack terminals to open doors and you can hack cameras, but it ain't really useful. I don't really care about watching through cameras, I just want to shoot and play.
Soundtrack: Music that is going to make you want to kill yourself. Sooo repetitive.
Graphics: This game looks great and you can play it on TripleHead2Go (matrox). But i'd prefer to play another game on 1 screen than to play this game on 3 screens.
Story: Only a little bit interesting at the end (climax)
Overall: Get another shooter. This one is really boring, costs 2$ on Steam right now (guess why). Just buy the first far cry and you'll have hours of fun gameplay. Plus, Far Cry 1 still looks pretty good nowadays. So go with something else.