...after I accepted it for what it was, I found it too be surprisingly good.
Alpha Protocol brings every cliche from every Spy movie, book and game and meshes it all together to create something that isn't great but well worth playing through if you are a fan of the spy genre. You can choose from 5 initial classes with the 6th being unlocked after the game is finished with the Recruit class. The class you pick is important because it opens up different dialogue options that really effects how the characters you meet will react to you initially. You also gain reputation which also adds to this. Are you an **** a ladies man? or a professional? Depending on which, you will have different conversations.
You play Agent Michael Thorton, who doesn't know that he is responsible for a plane blowing up. The plane is carrying government officials. Aparently it's all Micheal Thortons fault. From here the story is told in flash backs and you learn just why it is. The story takes you to vast locales one being the middle east. I don't want to give to much away with the story but just believe me when I say it's entertaining, just don't expect something on the scale of Metal Gear Solid.
The graphics in Alpha Protocol, in my opinion, are it's weak point. Being a programmer I can safely say that it isn't much of a problem with models or textures and how they look because they do look great but the rendering effects that the programmers are in charge of are just way below standard. Hat's off to the artists because even though it's not their fault they will get the blame even though it's the rendering that hurts the game's visuals. However if you they won't detract from the experience. The usual normal mapping and lighting is here and even a blur effect. While you won't find something as pretty as Uncharted or Red Dead Redemption you will still find youself enjoying the experience.
The sound in Alpha Protocol is good. Not awesome but good enough to convey tatical espionage action and other spy goodness. The sound design could have been a tad better in quality and the voice acting in some parts are just laughable but all in all it's fairly good.
We finally get to the important part.
The gamplay in Alpha Protocol is very heart breaking because some parts are awesome and other parts are just terrible. Let's analyse.
Alpha protocol is half RPG and half Shooter. Let's take a look at the first half.
Leveling up in Alpha Protocol can become a grind. It's fairly hard to level up even at the start of the game which means you won't really have useful abilities until later on in the game. Needless to say their is quite a variety of stats to level up from Stealth, CQC, Hacking to individual gun type stats. You can really make the spy you want. However none of these really matter because you are pretty much forced play both stealthy and actiony(is that a word?) in all missions. This means that if you level up just stealth stuff you are screwed in the action parts and in if you level up just action you can't stealth your way through areas with a crap load of security. This to me really kills the RPG system because either way you need to level all things evenly.
However you do get some cool abilites depending on which stats you level up which can be an incentive to level up a state over another.
You can also buy upgrades for your weapons and armor as well as gadets to bring with you. However, gadgets aren't spy enough for me. There's no laser watch or pen guns to be found, instead you get a vast array of explosives and buff items such as health packs and packs to increase accuracy. All these things cost money and money while it seems easy to obtain goes rather fast due to the crazy prices of everything. Expect to play the game with crappy stuff for at least a few hours.
The games layout consists of a HUB which is usually really awesome pent house pimped out with high tech computers and expensive furniture. This is where you go after each mission to get the next one as well as to buy weapons and perform other preperation tasks before going off onto the next mission. However apart from buying things and watching TV that repeats itself every 5 seconds, not much can be done in your sancuary which is a shame. I would of loved to be able to take a shower or eat some food or even just talk to people while im relaxing from a mission which can take hours to finish.
There is a computer to check emails, a mirror in the bathroom to change your appearance as well as a weapon locker to prep your gear for the next mission.
You will mostly spend time on the computer reading and replying to emails as well as buying and selling gear. Emails will contain info about someone that you can use when you engage in conversation with them. It's also a chance to build relationships. When you reply to an email you can choose to be Suave, Professional or Aggressive. Depending on the response your relationship with that person will change. You also have the same options in conversation which for the most part works well and really sets up some replayability to see other possible outcomes. However it's not as cool as Mass Effects system but still gets the job done.
You will also get, depending on your relationship with a person, side missions that can help you procure more money or arms for use in the main mission. You can also gain intel that can help you in conversation. In some cases you can talk your way out of a boss fight if you have intel on him. This can be unsatisfying seeing as you went though a whole lot of trouble to kill someone only to find out that you can talk him down. If you choose to kill him it can effect your rep.
As you can see this game could have be great but instead ends up being good. You won't fnd a masterpiece here but you will find something entertaining after you get over the initial expectation. Again it's not for everyone so I would recommened a try before a buy.