The sequel, if it happens, will surpass the hype imho :D
Major issue with me is buying items. You can only buy bullets one clip at a time basically. The problem here is the game leaks and loses serious speed in this area. You will want to exit to the desktop and restart often. It will take me upwards of 3-5 seconds for the engine to purchase my 12 pistol rounds after I've selected to do so. You want to buy 100+ rds? for an assault rifle? At 30 at a time, it just keeps getting slower and slower. Just to switch from looking at rifles to pistols, will take up to 30 seconds or more switching from menu to menu takes the game several seconds to move to the next menu. It's just extremely slow.
I have mostly mechanical concerns like the above, however, this gamespot review covered any complaint I had exactly. Read it and you'll know the irks and pains of playing Alpha Protocol. This game will grow on you, and as an RPG, your desire to finish it and put it to bed will out-weigh all of its flaws. It's worth a play-through to get a glimpse of how spectacular a sequel would hopefully be.
My specs:
WinXP Pro SP3
Q6600 quad-core at 2.8ghz
2gb RAM
Nvidia's GTX 260 OC'd
2 SATA II hd's in RAID 0
(Based on the performance of other games like ACII, Mass Effect II, Dragon Age: Origins, I should expect much better performance from Alpha Protocol but didnt get it due to poor coding/optimazation, not a lack of horse-power)