Highly Underated.. The Good. The Bad. And The Not So Ugly.
THE GOOD. Customize weaponry to an above average extent. Choosing your own ways to do missions is great and that it has a major effect on the storyline. Gadgets are not as bad as I thought it would be, but you can tell that Q at MI6 wasn't involved. Firefights are fun, and depending on your weapon load out you may want stealth, sabotage, or just go all out ballistic. I prefer stealth, nothing feels greater than getting kills using some Jason Bourne move. Cover system isn't too bad, and you can get a nice shot in when steadying your aim around the corner. THE GAME IS IN 3RD PERSON VIEW MODE. Melee is alright, could be better, but it could of been a lot worse.
THE BAD. Character creation is a joke. As an RPG you would think by now that it is a standard that your character can be Black, Asian, European looking or whatever. You can't choose what he looks like except if you want him to have a bad ass tan or not. You can put shades on, maybe a cap or something, but that really has no effect in the game, it just bugs me.
THE UGLY. Glitching is a !@#$%. Not going to lie, sometimes the camera will get all awkward on you when using the cover system, or you might get stuck on stairs for no reason.
All in all, I got addicted to it. I didn't think that would of happened, but it did. It has similarities to the Hitman series in some sense. This game will give me some relief until the next Hitman comes out anyways. RENT IT AT LEAST. I think whoever gave this game a 6 was smoking hooka or something.