Tough boss fights and lots of issues make this an unenjoyable game!

User Rating: 1 | Alpha Protocol X360
This might be my shortest review. I just want to warn you of this game. Do not play it. The boss fights are impossible to beat if you're not playing on easy and the difficulty has really no balance. Lots of glitches and textures popping or whatever they say. The graphics don't look superb at all. The story is not engaging or entertaining. Honestly, i didn't even beat the game and don't plan on beating it. Check your bargain bin. Nothing like Mass Effect as it is a wannabe mass effect. The voice acting sucks especially for the main character who shows no expression whatsoever. The conversation options are too limited and offer no entertainment. The missions are short and some are frikkin tough. If i played the game on easy mode, maybe i would've thought a little differently on it. But this game offers no replayability, no fun, no multiplayer, and no entertainment. It's possible for you to be accurate with the stupid aiming issue. When you shoot at someone, most of the time it doesn't affect them at all. What do you call that? I call this game a failure. Maybe they should've put some thought and more work into this game before creating it. It will never measure up to any shooter RPG or any RPG whatsoever. A disspointing summer release!