Great idea, poor execution....
In idea Alpha Protocol is an RPG set in a modern spy fiction where the idea going in is to give players total control over how they complete objectives. In Practice Alpha Protocol is a game that aimed very high and missed the target. Instead of a game full of intrigue, back room deals, corporate and political espionage it's a game of bad mechanics and poorly thought out ideas.
To it's credit Alpha Protocol has some really cool elements to it like how you talk to other characters and how bonuses are earned, I also like that the information you find on characters and factions are actually used to some degree. Most games just slap info on characters in the back of a diary just so you know a little more about them but in this the info has a few clues that help you better understand characters or why someone acts a certain way.
The worst parts of the game are too many to mention. Combat, It's forced, most missions devolve into a bloodbath or a long drawn out fight when they don't need to be. Hacking, It's horrible, it makes no sense, if you solve a hack attempt it's out of luck and not skill. Lockpicking, It's doable but it's stupid in design. Weapons, Another system that makes no sense, You basically have to hang yourself out exposed for awhile while the crosshairs get a lock on the target, it's not about skill but how many points you have spent on a skill. Gadgets, Most work really well but there isn't any Bond like gadgets it's all mostly grenades and mines. Circuit bypassing, It works but I like how Mass Effect 2 did it better.
The story is kinda weak, basically you play as a new recruit of Alpha Protocol, you have a choice of being a soldier, tech expert, spy, freelancer and a few others. After a shipment of missiles are stolen by terrorists a passenger plane is shot down and you are sent in to track down the missiles and deal with with the ones responsible for the incident. naturally being a spy fiction things don't end up going as planned, long story short you end up going rogue for a number of reasons.
I don't know....It's hard to totally condemn the game, there are things I like about it like some of the characters or how the safe houses look or the dialog system or just how if the game was done right how things could have been. The thing is I see where Obsidian was trying to go with this and it's unfortunate that the game ended up as it did.
Bottom Line: It had potential but it's wasted and mainly a bad game, it has good elements but they can't save this sunken ship.