This game takes a bit to grow on you, and I won't deny it did some things wrong, however once you get over the tutorial missions (Saudi Arabia) the game picks up a lot. The trailer on this site shows exactly what you'll get. Notice that it's not bragging about the combat? That's because unless you literally play as 007 (stealth/pistols) the combat is kind of janky. Not in the same sense as "Mass Effect" but more like Deus Ex meets Mass Effect.
That being said, the game's real draw, like any good RPG, is the character interactions and the effect on the environment. This game does this much better than any other game out now, however it gets blasted because of the combat and the minigames (which you mostly don't have to bother with) It's not perfect, but not nearly as bad as everyone seems to make it out to be.
I passed up on this back when it came out, largely because of the reviews. I'm glad I did, too, because if I paid 50 bucks for this game back then, I may have been a little upset. But I got it from Steam for $7.50 a few ... Read Full Review
I really cannot say anything bad about this game so I do not understand low ratings it got both from critics and gamespot. I very rarely play same game twice and I have just started this game again (the other games are M... Read Full Review