from the begining words of rise from your grave (which by the way is what has bumped up the sounds score) this game was a classic, it was hard as you were only given 3 lives for the whole game regardless, so it will take you more than an afternoon. as far as i can see altered beast is fine just the way it is and i still love it, and soon as its only gonna cost you a few bob whta does it matter, a great game on the cheap. Also there are a few classic phrases in there , like rise from your grave, power up and of corse, arrrggh. go on buy it you know you want to.
Who wouldn't like to be able to turn into a monster and battle huge bosses. One of the greatest parts of this game was the multi-player. You get to play the hole game with a friend and share the experience. In every leve... Read Full Review
Altered Beast was originally an arcade game which was ported over to several home consoles including the Sega Master System, Famicom, ZX Spectrum and obviously the Sega Genesis. By far the best home console version was f... Read Full Review