I think i'm probably the only person alive who likes this game
The story is not going to take the world by storm. You play as the Chipmunks and you have to go from venue to venue performing songs until you reach Rockathonapalooza. In-between each venue there's a short 'cut scene' (Actually a series of still pictures with a voiceover) There isn't really any story to these, or much relevance to them at all. Some may make you smile, some will make you cringe but none will likely have you laughing.
The gameplay's your basic rhythm game, you catch notes (or Stars) whilst the chipmunks play their song. The difficulty in doing this alters quite dramatically across the game with some songs being tedious and others manic and you frantically try to catch all the stars.
Everybody seems to hate the graphics in this game and I can't see why. True their not great and considering the time this game came out they could probably have been better, but the characters are recognisable and everything moves fairly smoothly.
The soundtrack is probably the best thing about this game. Lots of instantly recognisable songs done in the classic chipmunk style. Indeed, if you want to, there's a video section on the game where you can just watch the chipmunks play a song you've unlocked, it's a nice feature but not one that I think a lot of people will be using. The voice acting in the "cut Scenes" is good as well. Good but not great.
To sum up, I enjoyed this game. It's good old harmless fun and the chipmunks always make me smile. With that said the Chipmunks could probably do anything short of invading Britain and I'd love it. If you like the chipmunks and can find this really cheap then I'd recommend trying it, If not then you should probably avoid this one.