A great game, Packed full of fun and learning goodies! Its worth the buy!
User Rating: 9.5 | Amazon Trail II PC
Amazon Trail. Of course the sequil to Amazon Trail. This game is plain fun. I even some times debate if this is better then Oregon Trail! You start of at a harbor waiting to set out on your adventure! You pick your "Guide" as I would like to put it. Each one is well balanced and has a skill and as well a flaw. So after you choose them, you get your supplies this is the fun part, picking what at the time you think you will need. But at the end of the game you will find useless. Well once you set sail you find a world of adventure ahead. You pick your path and route you want to take. You can even venture into the rivers that break of the Amazon that is IF you have the supplies, or the know how that is! The great thing is the game makes you survive and face things that most adventurers would face. Such as capsizing or starvation. You must hunt for food in the jungle to the sides of the river. At the same time looking for evil animals that might jump you at any moment! Not just that but fishing is another great feature that you must also survive on. I will tell you there are some funny comical Easter Eggs the developers The Learning Co. put in the game. I will not spoil this but let you find out. We also find many things the learn in the game. First you learn about the river itself and the surrounding terrain. You have to identify plants and animals. Another thing is on the river you get to meet historical figures such as Henry Ford, who is looking for better rubber for his cars. This game ties together very well and is a fun game for any person willing to spend at least 10mins. a day moving a littler further in the adventure. I would recommend this game for any one into the adventure game category. Its a must buy!