Is this even a game for adults?
Now that's a funny question cause the writing in this game sure isn't aimed for kids. Looks like after Bad Day LA, McGee is trying to do 'Alice' all over again.
I am fine with that except that this game has practically no gameplay. All you do is run around turning one model into another while your unfunny witless protagonist keeps on ranting about god knows (or McGee does) what because it sure isn't interesting enough to pay attention to.
This and other Grimm episodes might be free but one is enough for me to not bother with others at all. This game has boring characters, lame "plot" (if you can call it a plot) and amazingly retarded dialogues that just feel forced and over-the-top for no reason at all.
I am giving it 4.0 because of the art only. Anyways, don't bother with this "game".